Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Off to Salt Lake

Just a quick note we are off to salt lake today - Richard is scheduled to have a scope done on Friday so we are spending the night at a hotel so we don't have to get up so early to be at the huntsman center by 9, that is where they do their scopes. We are praying that the test results will come back clean so that Richard can feel at ease. Then we go back down to the university of utah hospital to meet with a pancreas specialist next Thursday. I really do not like driving to salt lake to many people I am one of those little country girls that is content to stay where she is at. Richard hasn't had any problems with his pancreas for while I am hoping that we have got it under control by controlling his anti acid kind of weird i know but hey if taking these anti acid pills keep him out of the hospital i am all for it. I will keep you all posted once we know the test results. Just one other item regarding this scope he was suppose to have one done 3 months after he had his ilieostomy (not sure if that is spelled right) reversed and that was on July 4th so this is way over due but every time we were scheduled he would be in the hospital with pancreaitis so i am glad that we have made it this far.


Anonymous said...

We will be praying for a good outcome and some good news.

Leslie and family

This Idaho Girl said...

Driving to SLC is no fun. We'll hope for a clean bill of health too.

Unknown said...

hey hope all goes well. I will be praying for you and waiting for the news. love ya
love amanda

Anonymous said...

Ya just gotta love all the tests these drs put you through...but it will all be well. Sounds like you might have the key with the antacids. You are in our prayers!

Burbank Family said...

I hope everything went good with the scope. Let us know if there is anything we can do your in our prayers.