Sunday, October 11, 2009

September rap up

Richard got a job at Icon as a forklift driver in Logan of which I am grateful for. We purchased a little commuter car for him to drive back in forth in hopes to save us in gas. It is nothing special, it was in our price range and we took it, we have had to do few things to it. Richard says he has it running good and it should be a good car. We also went to Tuckers blessing first part of September, I hope I have not forgot anything that we have done for the last 3 months. Hopefully it won't take me so long to update next time.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job! That is wonderful news. Keep your fingers crossed for Keith. He's still looking.

~Our Family~ said...

This is Cindy.. About the diet.. It is called Ideal Protein.. Dr. Ward up town does it.. Its actually a real diet you can type that in yahoo search and it will tell you about it.. I have 3 protein foods.. Like in the morning I will have a chocolate drink that I like warmed so its like hot chocolate. Then for lunch I have to have another drink(pina Colada but others to choose from) and 2 cups of vegetables(zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, celery, raw onion, and etc.. Then dinner time I can have 7 oz of fish or seafood or 5 oz chicken, beef, ham and 2 cups of vegetables again and i have to take some supplements(pills) then i also get a snack another proteim food.. Which I love the pudding at night my favorite are the vanilla and lemon.. I lost a total of 7lbs the first week 1/4" off arms, second week I lost 3 1/2 lbs and 2 1/4" off waist, 1/4" of arms. then the third week i lost 4 1/2 lbs and 1/4" off arms, 1/4" off waist, 1" off hips.. So a total of 15 lbs in 3 weeks... It is a little expensive but totally worth it to me to lose the weight...

~Our Family~ said...

basically no good stuff... no carbs, no sugar, no butter, no fat, nothing good anymore but at least I'm losing some weight and at a pretty good rate.. If you want more information let me know.. If i sign up some people I will get $25.00 credit whew who...